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The Office of James Burnett is pleased to announce that the Brochstein Pavilion at Rice University has received the Landscape Architecture Citation from the American School and University Magazine.

“Amazing, tranquil space. The variety and flair will attract various personalities.”—2010 jury

Click here to see a list of award recipients.

Since 1928, American School & University has been the information source for education facilities and business professionals—serving the nation’s K-12 and higher-education administrators responsible for the planning, design, construction, retrofit, operations, maintenance and management of education facilities. A mix of thought-provoking features, how-to-articles, industry reports, exclusive surveys, news sections, insightful columns, new product introductions and case histories are provided each month to assist education officials in better performing their jobs.

AS&U’s mission is to continue serving as the voice of the industry—not just reporting events, but also helping to shape the rapidly growing and evolving education facilities and business market. Since 1998 AS&U has recognized outstanding work in the field of educational design. This year the Architectural Portfolio jury selected 151 projects to be profiled in the November Architectural Portfolio issue of American School & University.