Increasingly urban areas are turning to lidding freeways with Deck Parks in efforts to reunite city neighborhoods bisected by these arterial roadways. James D. Burnett, FASLA, and President of award-winning landscape architecture firm, The Office of James Burnett, will present the keynote at the Northwest Chapter meeting of the Urban Land Institute (ULI). Burnett will address attendees offering successful solutions for Cap Park implementation via a case study on OJB’s lauded design of Klyde Warren Park in Dallas. Klyde Warren Park was the 2014 recipient of ULI’s Urban Open Space Award.
“After many years of much needed freeways keeping downtown neighborhoods separated from one another, cities like Seattle are beginning to explore options that would reconnect disparate parts of town,” said Burnett. “With the economic, cultural and health benefits proven through existing success stories like Klyde Warren Park, the challenge of tackling such an enormous feat is becoming more attractive and more attainable.”
Seattle is currently exploring options to address unifying neighborhoods cut off by the I5 freeway and is giving serious consideration to creating a Deck Park. Burnett’s expertise and presentation will highlight key metrics showing how Klyde Warren Park’s creation helped to drive economic development, increase property values, attract retail establishments and draw residents to new recreational opportunities in Dallas.
What: ‘Put a Lid on It: Creating New Opportunities for Urban Land (Seattle)”
Where: Grand Hyatt, Princessa Ballroom, 721 Pine Street, Seattle, WA 98101
When: Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 7:30 – 10:00am PT
Registration: http://northwest.uli.org/