
The terraced park is composed of rolling lawn, punctuated by wooden platforms and stone stairs. These elements create a comfortable stage for gatherings of all kinds.

By planning for an entire 1800-acre site as a low impact green infrastructure, Springwoods Village is designated as an improvement district. To address significant and frequent flooding – and a warmer and wetter future – water management of the entire site is managed through a drainage corridor system. A series of detention basins and ponds throughout the site are transformed from utilitarian to amenities.

At the center is a 60-acre pedestrian-friendly urban district, which features office, retail, residential, and open spaces. The community is designed to balance nature, urbanism and diversity, transforming how people live, work, and play.

The shared open linear City Place Park is a 32-acre open space composed of waterfalls, bridges, and trails, with ipé boardwalks threading through a landscape planted with buffalo grass, prairie wildrye, and Texas cupgrass, as well as cypress, water oak trees, and loblolly pines.

Multi-use trails connect to adjacent properties, nearby businesses and recreation venues, as well as boardwalks and jetties for people to integrate with nature. The design includes 100% native and adaptive Gulf Coast plants, along with aquatic planting to filter stormwater runoff into the lakes. The lake’s water is recirculated for various pond features and used for on-site irrigation.



The ponds hold about 50 million gallons of water under typical conditions and 126 million gallons during storm conditions.

Moveable furnishings and game areas support all kinds of community events and activities. Flush pavers and lawn work together to create a platform for gathering.